Cloud File Storage to help you Focus on being a Teacher or a Student
Because it’s hard enough being a Teacher or a Student.
The Gradebook application allows School Administrators, Principals, and Teachers to update, store and automatically calculate grades in real-time. Students and their Parents will be able to see in real-time their grades and further analysis of their standing, compared to the student’s classroom or school, should the school allow. More over, our gradebook application will save teachers hundreds of hours a month compared to if they were to grade manually.
Since all of our Cloud Based School applications are integrated, thus having the ability to customize Adveli specifically for your school, one of the most appreciated feature is our Automatic Online Report Card module.
Our Customized Online Report Card module will take pressures off Principals, School Staff and Teachers at the end of every Terms and School Years.
Our Automated Report Card module will automatically populate all the necessary Grades, Attendances, Comments, and other Extracurricular Activities to generate printable report cards.
Since no school is alike, we will work with your School to create your very own Performance Based Assessment module.
The Grade Level/Classroom Performance Based Assessment module is a tool designed to help School Principal dig further into their individual School Classroom Performances. This tool will allow them to measure each individual student performances based upon their Grade Level, Subject, Term-to-Term and/or Year-to-Year comparison analysis. Think of Big Data designed specifically for your school.
In the meanwhile, both Students and Parents will also be able to benefit from the module by allowing them to monitor their own school progress and performances at home, thus allowing them to improve their individual performances, while giving them a better understanding on the level of preparedness for higher level education and career.
Adveli's Secured and Encrypted Video Conference & Online Lecture Application allow School Staff, Teachers, Students & Parents to communicate or conduct Online Learning. The Online Lecture app allow Teachers to conduct Online Learning without the need to use 3rd party Video Conference application. And, since all our applications are built-in to Adveli infrastructure, starting or joining an Online Video Chat or a Live Lecture is as simple as choosing which User(s) or Classroom(s) for the conference; click the Connect button and start communicating.
Conduct Online Lectures, Class Project Collaborations, Staff or Parent/Teacher Meetings, Trainings, etc.
Compatibility across different Windows/MacOS Operating Systems and mobile/tablet Android/IoS platforms.
HD Video and Audio across different desktop operating systems and mobile/tablet platforms.
Powerful encrypted security settings to ensure worry and disruption free Video Conference Meetings.
No need to provide Login, Password or Security Key when joining meetings, once logged in to your Adveli account.
Share screen, app and audio with
a click of a button.
Because it’s hard enough being a Teacher or a Student.
Share your files securely with just one click.
Know when your file share has been Accepted or Rejected. Receive notifications via email, message, and dashboard when a file has been shared with you.
Adveli Drive can help store and organize all your lecture presentation files, report cards, homeworks, notes, and other school documentations, all in one place.
Store, access and share your files from your computer, phone, or tablet.
Keep all your files safe and secure with our powerful online security encryption and data classification policies to manage how data is stored, retained , archived and deleted.
The Automatic Schedule Generator results can be customized with great flexibility to create a full custom class schedule according to your school needs.
The Schedule Generator allow you to reject generated schedules, then regenerate the schedules again in less than 3 seconds, based upon the same parameter settings, for greater flexibility and needs.
The Automatic Schedule Generator will save you headaches and hundreds of precious hours each year.
The Schedule Generator allow you to automatically generate class schedules based upon numerous set of parameter settings to meet you school need, such as Start Period by the day, # of periods per day/week, # of periods in a row, after/ before lunch, etc.
Parent involvement benefits students, including raising their academic achievement
Parents are more likely to trust teachers and appreciate their impact
When making an effort to contact parents, you’re saying you value their insights
Teachers can learn more about students' needs and
home environment, with parental communication
and involvement
Increase Students motivation for learning,
improved behavior, and more positive attitude
about homework and school
The Messaging module is designed to maximize customizability based upon the elemental privacy requirements.
We designed the module to allow School Staff, Teachers, Students and Parents to communicate 1-to-1 or in groups.
We’ve also designed the Messaging module to be used as a group based communications tool. The result is the ability for Principal/Teachers to be able to create group discussions amongs the School Staff or Teachers; Teachers can create group discussions with students who belong in the classroom that they’re teaching to discuss homeworks, school projects, etc.; Teachers can create group discussions with parents of the students in which belong in the classroom.
The result is a communication method ranging from discreet conversations, school agenda, group discussions to school wide news or current events.
Track and Analyze Student Student’s Quiz results, status and completion date/time.
Real time question to sectional level data analysis result
Take assigned Exams, Quizzes or Assignments from any device. Anywhere.
Use the Online Quiz module as a Quiz Editor, then export your Quiz to PDF format. This will allow you to print your Exam or Quiz, for offline testing.
Re use or update your previous Exams,
Quizzes or Assignments
for the upcoming term,
semester or year.
The Note module is a powerful application that will allow users to write down ideas, lectures, notes
and share them with users or classrooms. And with Adveli, your notes will always be available on the cloud from any of your device with internet connections.
Access your Notes on different devices, anytime and anywhere. Begin a note on your phone, at home, on the road, and finish it on your laptop, in the office, without losing your train of thought.
Write down plans, ideas, projects and meeting via notes. Share them with Students, Parents or School Staff.
Manage all your notes, projects, and ideas in one location.